Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016


Got time to put the seat sides on today.  There was a lot of scribing to the curve, but the fit is pretty good for government work.  Hardest part was tracking down where I had put the plywood panels!  

A side note for other builders,  the fit to the bottom does not need to be perfect,  You will be filling with epoxy putty and glassing on both sides, so a little gap will never be seen.  

View looking aft towards aft bulkead.  The plywood panel on top is the forward seating deck.

View from the transom showing the compartment just forward of the transom.  

A better view of the seats with the side panels fit.  Will glue up tomorrow.  

One more shot.  should have cleaned the bilge out first.  It is amazing how on any boat at any stage everything winds up in the bilge.  

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